Friday 8 September 2017

Forex Kaupankäynti Alustoja Verrattuna To Valtimoiden

Onko sinun aika päättää tuotteen hinta Oletko hämmentynyt siitä, miten sinun pitäisi päättää hinta Teoriassa, sinun pitäisi yksinkertaisesti lisätä kustannuksia ja korotus antaa sinulle myyntihinnan Mutta se ei ole niin Liiketoiminnan ympäristötekijät pelaavat Tärkeä rooli hinnoittelupäätöksessä, joten tämä toiminta on tehtävä niiden harkitsemiseksi. Siksi, kun harkitset hintoja, tarkastellaan jäljempänä mainittuja tekijöitä. Yleisimmät hinnat markkinoilla. Kaikkien yritysten, jotka kattavat suuren asiakaskunnan, tarjoavat tavallisesti erilaisia hintavaihtoehdoista Eri hinnoilla on ainutlaatuisia palveluita, ominaisuuksia, määriä ja ominaisuuksia Noin kolme hintaluokkaa ovat korkeat, keskitasoiset ja alhaiset. Sinun on ymmärrettävä, mikä hintaluokka on kunkin edellä mainitun luokan osalta. Mainostoimisto, joka tarjoaa verkossa kopioinnin kirjoittamisen, offline-mediaedistukset ja tapahtumamainontapalvelut, ja sinun on tiedettävä, mitä muut yritykset veloittavat näistä palveluista. jotta saat selville yhdistettyjen ja yksittäisten palvelujen ja asiakkaiden hinnoittelun. Tämä antaa sinulle lyhyen käsityksen hintarakenteesta, asiakasprofiilista ja palvelun tyypistä. Hinnoittelutrendejä ei voida jättää huomiotta, koska liiketoiminnan hinnoittelu voi määrittää sen kasvun Et voi ladata liikaa samankaltaisiin palveluihin eikä lataa liian alhaista, koska se vahingoittaa yritystäsi Käytä nykyisiä markkinahintoja vakiona asettaaksesi ja vertailemaan omaa hintaa. Tavoitteena oleva asiakas. Kahdella markkinatyypillä on käytetty ja käyttämättömiä Tapped Joilla on huomattava kilpailu ja suuri asiakaskunta, kun käyttämättömillä markkinoilla ei ole toimijoita, koska kukaan ei pysty löytämään mahdollisia markkinoita. Kun päätät käynnistää tuotteen, sinun on tiedettävä kohdealueesi. kilpailla nykyisten yritysten kanssa tai löytää uusi käyttämättömät markkinat Jos aiot mennä pitkään nykyisten yritysten kanssa, päätä asiakas - ja hintomarkkina Kun olet tehnyt päätöksen, voit kartoittaa hinnoittelustrategian Voit luoda tuotteelle hinnanalennuksen, joka tarjoaa samanlaista arvoa tai nostaa hintaa ja antaa joitain yksinoikeus Jos tunnet suurta käyttämättömää asiakaskuntaa, sinun on löydettävä ulos niistä ja nähdä, mitä hintaa he ovat valmiita maksamaan tuotteitasi, voit joko päästä high-end-markkinoihin tai alhaiseen loppuun. Tee hinnoittelupäätös asiakkaasi perusteella. Kun aiot varastaa kilpailijaasi asiakkaita, Sinun täytyy myydä jotain kilpailukykyisempää hintaa varten Tällöin sinun on oltava tietoinen tuotteeseen liittyvästä hintaluokasta ja arvosta. Asiakkaan olisi hyvin vaikea vaihtaa samanlaista tuotetta ja hintaa koskevaa uskollisuutta. Voit kuitenkin muuttaa Tuotteen hinta tai arvo olennaisesti aiheuttaisi tämän kytkimen joko myydä samanlaista tuotetta näkyvästi alhaisemmalla hinnalla tai luoda enemmän arvoa asiakkaille samassa hinnassa. On hyvin tärkeää ottaa huomioon omat kustannukset T tehdä tuote ja myydä se Järkevä tapa ratkaista ongelma on päättää, kenen haluat myydä ja sitten ajatella taaksepäin kustannuksista Jos tilanteessa, jossa päätät hyödyntää pienituloista asiakaskuntaa, On erilainen ja niin myös tuotteen kustannukset. Jos haluat hyödyntää korkean tulotason ryhmiä, tuotteesi ja hinnoittelusi vaihtelevat massamarkkinoiden mukaan. Markkinasi ja tuotteesi päätöksestä määrittäisitte kustannukset Kun olet tehnyt tuotannon päätöksen , Materiaaleja, myyjiä voit neuvotella heidän kanssaan edelleen vähentää kustannuksia Käytä irtotavarana ostoa, ennakkomaksua, täyden maksun, käteismaksujen saada enemmän alennuksia Mitä enemmän olet vähentää kustannuksia pienemmät tuotantokustannukset ja markkinahinta. Pricing on ratkaiseva päätös ja toisinaan et saa sitä oikein ensimmäistä kertaa Arvioi hinnoittelustrategia säännöllisesti ja tee tarvittavat muutokset tarpeen mukaan Hintaerotus on eräs keino erottua kilpailuympäristössä ja jos Ne auttavat sinua kasvamaan ja pysymään liiketoiminnassa kauemmin. Tässä artikkelissa menestyvien kansainvälisten yritysyritysten saavuttamisesta ensimmäinen painopiste on arviointimenettelyssä tärkeä ensimmäinen askel kohti kansainvälistä menestystä. Kaupan elinkelpoisuuteen vaikuttavien asioiden huolellinen arviointi uuden yrityksen voi aiheuttaa todellisia ongelmia myöhemmin ja jopa haitallisesti vaikuttaa olemassa olevaan ydinliiketoimintaansa. Sinun ei tarvitse etsiä kauas löytää esimerkkejä hankkeista, jotka ovat epäonnistuneet, koska ihmiset joutuivat ansaan olettaen pikemminkin kuin arvioimalla. Tosiasia on, että Että jokin toinen maa on erilainen. Jokainen, joka ei ymmärrä näitä eroja ja tunnustaa nämä erot, ja sitten suunnittelee, rakentaa ja johtaa uutta liiketoimintaa näiden erojen valossa, pelaa venäläistä rulettia tulevaan hyvinvointiinsa ja voi osoittautua todistettavaksi Oscar Wilden havainto, että Kokemus on yksinkertaisesti nimi, jonka annamme virheistämme. Ensimmäinen on koko ja kehitystyö Millaista markkinatilannetta tarjolla oleva tuote tai palvelu on, mitkä ovat kilpailijasi ja kuinka houkutteleva tarjosi on käynnistää joitakin huolellisia markkinoita Tutkimus tai toteutettavuustutkimus on siis välttämätön ensimmäinen vaihe. Tutkimuksen ei kuitenkaan pitäisi keskittyä pelkästään markkinapaikkaan. Myös monia muita, läheisesti toisiinsa liittyviä asioita on tarkasteltava. Esimerkiksi kulttuurin ja eettisen merkityksen ymmärtäminen maanviljelijät antavat sinulle mahdollisuuden houkutella mahdollisia esteitä, jotka saattavat olla psykologisia, kulttuurisia tai epäasianmukaisten brändien aiheuttamia. Ranskankieliset ostajat halveksivat Gallic-hartioitaan, kun he tarjosivat amerikkalaisia ​​viinejä Beaujolaisin vaihtoehtona. Strategiakonsultti Trevor O Hara varoitukset Varokaa ylimielisyyttä Voit olla johtava pelaaja kotona, mutta uudessa sinun on rakentaa. Sinun uusi toimintakantaasi. Sinun on tehtävä taloutta jonnekin tietenkin, ja niin täytyy tarkastella ammattiin liittyviä kustannuksia, jos ne ovat toimisto-, varasto - tai teollisuustiloja. Nämä vaihtelevat Suurimmat kaupungit ovat yleensä kallein Lontoossa, Tokiossa ja New Yorkissa yleensä listan kärjessä, vaikka todelliset vuokranmaksut ovat varmasti laskeneet 9-11 - katastrofin seurauksena Ja kustannukset vuokrata tai ostaa sopivia liiketiloja ovat tietenkin tiiviisti sidoksissa yhä merkittävämpiä työvoiman saatavuuteen ja kustannuksiin liittyviä kysymyksiä. Nämä nousevat ja suhteellisen kehittymätöntä maata etenevät. Perusmarkkinoiden voimat ovat vaikeita ja epäilemättä kaupallisesti mahdottomia sivuuttaa tai vastustaa brittiläisiä lukijoita luultavasti muistuttamaan esimerkkiä samannimisestä Dyson-alipaineesta Puhtaampaa valmistusta ja kokoonpanopohjaa siirretään Yhdistyneestä kuningaskunnasta edullisempaan merentakaiseen työmarkkinapaikkaan sen älykkäästi engl entinen ja isänmaallinen James Dyson. Sun vyöt ja halvempi työ. Vihdoin liike-elämän maailmanlaajuistuminen on osoittautumassa erittäin hyväksi uutiseksi Espanjassa, Portugalissa ja Italiassa Euroopassa tyypillisten, niin kutsuttujen Sun Belt - talouden maailmassa. Näemme nyt, että tämä näkyy laajentuvassa EY-yhteisössä ja kehittyvissä Kaukoidän talouksissa, koska useat työpaikat siirtävät alhaisempia palkkakustannuspaikkoja. Jotkut paikat voivat taistella antamaan sinulle rahaa. Kilpailu sisäisten investointien saamiseksi kaventuu Aika Ulkopuolinen tarkkailija voisi odottaa, että nämä taistelujohdot piirretään kansallisille rajoille, mutta hyvin usein todellisia taisteluja tapahtuu kunkin maan alueiden välillä, joilla on oma sisäänrakennetulla bonbonilla oleva sijoituskori Don t jättää huomiotta avustukset ja kannustimet, jotka voivat Saatavilla myös joskus melko odottamattomissa paikoissa Jopa äskettäin nimetyn City of Cityn näyttävästi työntävä, dynaaminen ja trendikäs Brighton Hove tarjoaa työnantajille avustuksia siirtymään sinne. Monet maat ja alueet tarjoavat sekoitus julkaistuista ja harkinnanvaraisista apurahoista ja kannustimista, jotka tarkistetaan ja tarkistetaan säännöllisesti. Julkaistut kannustimet ovat yleensä saatavilla alueilla, jotka tarvitsevat uudistumista usein silloin, kun vanha teollisuus on kuollut pois, jolloin suuri määrä työntekijöitä ilman työtä Syrjinnänmukaiset kannustimet liittyvät yleensä alueen työpaikkojen luomiseen ja heihin yleensä sovelletaan yksittäisiä neuvotteluja. Lisää uusia työpaikkoja, jotka todennäköisesti luo entistä innostuneemmiksi, ovat vastaanotto ja enemmän apua, jota todennäköisesti tarjotaan. Mutta Money Isn t Everything. But don t anna apurahojen tai kannustimien saatavuus paikkakunnalla tulee ainoa syy sijainnin valitsemiseen, tosiasiassa vain noin 10 siirron päätöksistä tehdään, koska avustuksia tai kannustimia tarjotaan uudessa paikassa. Suurin osa menestyvät yritykset tuleviin maihin todella valitsevat todistetut ja onnistuneet paikat pääkaupungeissa tai avainrekistereissä Ei ole yllättävää, että suuret paikalliset työvoimat tarvitsevat organisaatiot hakevat todennäköisemmin avustuksia ja kannustimia kuin ammatti - tai palvelualoilla työskentelevät työnantajat. Kysymys esteettömyydestä vaarallasi Uuden toimintoperustan on oltava helposti saatavilla olemassa olevista kotiyrityksen sijainti ja ihanteellisesti tarjoavat erilaisia ​​matkavaihtoehtoja ja termejä. Sen pitäisi myös mahdollistaa helpon paikallisen ja alueellisen pääsyn ja siunata hyvät tie-, rautatie - ja liikenneyhteydet. Huomioi voimakkaasti ruuhkaiset alueet Organisaatiot siirtyvät yhä enemmän ruuhkaisilta kaupunkialueilta, Lukittua liikennettä, joka luo ns. Push-vaikutuksen un-ruuhkaisille ja vihreämmille sivustoille ns. Vetovoima Jos siis yrityksellesi on jo olemassa olevia naapurimaissa olevia asiakkaita, voitte palvella niitä tehokkaasti käytettävissä olevien reittien varrella. Yhä kasvava EU, jonka monet organisaatiot valitsevat paremman tehokkuuden ja käytettävyyden Y Euroopan mantereen pohjalta tarjottava EU: n alueella on yhä enemmän kiinnitetty huomiota siihen, mitä on tullut tunnetuksi Mobility Management MM: ksi, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa saavutettavuutta vähentämällä tieliikenteen määrää tiiviillä koordinoidulla toimenpidekokonaisuudella, integroitu ja parannettu joukkoliikenne, autojen jakaminen, etätyö ja liikematkojen suunnittelu. EU: ssa uusimmat kaupalliset muutokset, jotka ovat kooltaan tai seurauksiltaan, edellyttävät suunnitteluvaatimuksia MM-toimenpiteiden käyttöönottamiseksi ja niiden tulosten ja tehokkuuden seurantaan ja mittaamiseen. saavutti merkittävän menestyksen sen johdosta, että Alankomaiden hallitus on tunnustanut, että kansakunnan elinkaaren virtaus kuorma-autojen tavaroihin estettiin yhä enemmän tiukasti rajoitettujen valtiensa liikenteen määrässä ja että jotain oli tehtävä sen suhteen . Maksu ja kustannukset. Älä unohda myös tarkastella sääntelyjärjestelmiä jokaisessa maassa Voitko palauttaa helposti voitot, mitkä ovat vertailukustannukset työvoimasta sekä vero - ja sosiaaliturvamaksut. Valtiovarainministerit tarkastavat säännöllisesti ja usein muuttavat perussääntöjään kannustaakseen sisäisiä sijoituksia tai säilyttämään yrityksiä, jotka muutoin joutuisivat muuttamaan muualle, jotta se pysyy ajan tasalla heidän ajattelustaan ​​ja niistä toteuttamistaan ​​muutoksista. Kuka tekee sen tapahtumasta? Ja lopuksi, mitä kaikkein arvokkaimmista omaisuuksistasi ihmiset, joita pyydät tekemään kaikesta työstä. Sen on olennaisen tärkeää tarkastella huolellisesti kaikkia kovia kysymyksiä, kuten vuokria, paikallisia veroja, ammattia ja työvoimakustannukset, mutta avainhenkilöllisyytesi, joka joutuu tekemään yrityksen menestyä, on onnellinen ja motivoitunut. Jos et tule kohtaamaan ongelmia, se ei ole lainkaan epätavallista ulkomaille tehtävistä merentakaisista toimista. Washington DC: n työntekijöiden siirtämisneuvoston mukaan yli kolmannes ulkomaanedustustoista epäonnistuu. Vielä pahempaa, useimmat epäonnistumiset esiintyvät kuuden ensimmäisen kuukauden aikana. Kuvittele, ct tästä epäonnistumisesta uudessa yritysmaailmassa merentakaisissa paikoissa Yksinomaan ihminen ei ole epäonnistunut, mutta yritys itsessään voi olla uhattuna Paikallisesti palkattu henkilöstö on johtava ja pääkonttori epäilemättä yrittää hahmottaa laajempaa uskottavuutta ja luottamusta. kun he etsivät miettimättä sopivaa korvaamista. Vaihdamme riittävästi aikaa ennen paikallisen asumisen arvioimista, koulutusta, tapoja ja menettelytapoja maksetaan satakertaisesti. Valuuttamarkkinoiden ura voi olla varsin pelottava kokemus erityisesti niille, joilla on ei aikaisempaa tietämystä kentästä Forex-maailmassa on monia haasteita ja on varmaa, että nämä nuoret uhkaavat newbie-kauppiaita, sillä jopa kokeneet veteraanit ovat alttiita heille. Siksi on tärkeää, kauppiaiden on tutustuttava näihin aloitteleviin vinkkeihin, jotta he voisivat aloittaa forex-uraansa oikealla radalla. Kun on etsittävä oikea välittäjä On monia tekijöitä otettava huomioon etsittäessä sopiva välittäjä. Ensinnäkin luettelo tällaisia ​​tekijöitä on mainetta aloittelijoille on etsittävä välittäjät, jotka ovat jo hyvin perustettu teollisuuden ja Ovat tunnettuja luottamuksesta useimpien kauppiaiden kanssa. Toinen vinkki, joka voi auttaa aloittelijoita etsimään oikeaa välittäjää, on tarkistaa yritysten tarjoamat palvelut, koska palvelut, joita ne tarjoavat, heijastavat niiden avun laajuutta, jonka he antavat asiakkailleen. aloittelijoille pitäisi kiinnittää yrityksiä, jotka tarjoavat hyödyllisimmät välineet ja palvelut niiden alustoille. Jos hyvä välitysyritys on löydetty, seuraava tärkeä askel kannattavan uran aloittamisessa valuuttamarkkinoilla on demo-tilin perustaminen Suurin osa välittäjistä tarjoaa demo-tilit, jotka tekevät anteeksi saldoja, joiden avulla aloittelijoille voidaan tarjota valuuttamarkkinoiden yleinen tuntuma. Sen lisäksi, että käytät uutta löytynyttäsi välittäjäalusta, on olemassa monia sivustoja, joita voit käyttää ilmaiseksi verkossa saada reaaliaikaisia ​​FX-korkoja ja muita hyödyllisiä työkaluja, jotka auttavat sinua kaupankäynnissä Tässä muutamia suosituksiimme1. Huomattavia tietoja ja taloudellisia tietoja kalentereita.2 Fx hinnat saat reaaliaikaiset streaming-hinnat kaikille FX: lle helposti nähtävinä taulukoin.3 Suuri foorumi ja hyödyllinen resurssi uusille ja kokeneille kauppiaille. Demo-tilin käyttö on tärkeää. Useimmat asiantuntijat neuvovat aloittelijoille käyttämään demo-tiliä, Forex-kaupankäynnin eri osa-alueet varmasti antavat edullisen reunan verrattuna niille, jotka sukeltavat suoraan valuuttamarkkinoiden keskelle ilman riittävää käytännön kokemusta valuuttakaupasta. Kun aloittelijat ovat päässyt todelliseen kaupankäyntiin oikealla rahalla, heidän pitäisi hei vinkkejä tapaan, jolla heidän pitäisi hoitaa kauppansa aloittelijat eivät saa hypätä valuuttakurssilla aseiden kanssa, koska se on todennäköistä, että alkaen suuri määrä kauppoja ei ole hyvä niille, jotka ovat vasta alkaneet oppia varsinaisen kaupankäynnin perusasiat. Useimmat asiantuntijan vinkit neuvoo pelaajia aloittamaan pieniä, jotta laajennetaan demo-tilin avulla alkanut oppimisprosessi ja vältetään kaupankäynnin suurista tappioista aiheutuvat suuret tappiot. Ilman näitä tietoja ja kokemuksia. Nämä vinkit auttavat varmasti uusia valuuttamarkkinoilla toimivia yrittäjiä, jotka yrittävät jakaa valuuttamarkkinoiden tuottoisat markkinat auttamalla heitä saamaan tarvittavat taidot, jotka antavat heidän menestyä markkinoilla. Vielä tärkeämpää on, että nämä vinkit antavat On tärkeää, että jokainen uusi elinkeinonharjoittaja on lupaava alku valuuttamarkkinoilla. Suurten tietojen maailma on kasvanut sohva, jonka nopea nousu on auttanut luomaan täysin uuden liiketoiminnan ja sosiaalisen maiseman. Yritykset ja yritykset tyypit ympäri maailmaa ovat salaamassa antaa tarkemman analyysin niiden toiminnasta käyttämällä monimutkaisia ​​tietojoukkoja. Koska tarkka analyysi johtaa yleensä yhteistoimintaan Nfident, tietoinen päätöksenteko, suuret tiedot auttavat antamaan uskottavuutta sanoa tieto on valtaa. Vaikka silkkaa tietoa kerätään ja analysoidaan ei ole mitään muuta kuin tähtitieteellinen, todellinen prosessi on paljon yksinkertaisempaa kuin voisi odottaa. Pohjimmiltaan Big Data on kokoelma joko strukturoituja tai strukturoitumattomia datasarjoja. Srrukturoituja tietojoukkoja ovat kiinteästä kenttätyylistä saadut tiedot, henkilökohtaiset taloudelliset tiedot, kyselytutkimukset, liiketoimet, myyntipiste ja luottotietopisteet. Rakenteelliset datajoukot keskittyvät sekä kaapattuihin että käyttäjäystävällisiin tietoihin, Tuottamat tiedot GPS: stä, Google-hakutermeistä, Facebook-viesteistä, twitter-syötteistä, artikkelin kommentit, ladatuista videoista jne. Nykyisin rakennettuja lähteitä muodostavat yli 80 kaikesta luotuista tiedoista, ja tämän kuilun odotetaan kasvavan sen heterogeenisen ja muuttuvan luonteen vuoksi , Joka sallii sen olemassaolon monissa muodoissa. Käyttämällä logiikkaa ja laskentatehoa, näitä tietoja voidaan analysoida ja koota tarjoamaan kohdennettuja oivalluksia tai ennakoivia tilastoja. Suuret tiedot ovat vain niin suuria. Kun menetämme eteenpäin tässä rohkeassa uudessa maailmassa, on välttämätöntä ymmärtää, kuka johtaa maksua. Tässä on kaksi yritystä, jotka ovat omistaneet tämän teknisen vallankumouksen kehittämisen hyvin öljyttyiseksi, hyper-loogiseksi Tuottajahintaan.1 Verisk Analytics Nasdaq VRSK. Ensimmäinen on strukturoitu pelimme, Verisk Analytics Big data on luonnollinen henkilö, joka on riskienhallinta, joka tuo numeroihin perustuvan menetelmän keinona vähentää potentiaalisia ongelmia. Ja Verisk on johtava tietoturva Verisk käyttää tietoresurssejaan erilaisten markkinoiden ja alojen hyödyksi, mukaan lukien vakuutukset, rahoituspalvelut, terveydenhuolto, vähittäiskauppa, kiinteistöt, kiinteistöt, kiinteistöt, inhimilliset voimavarat ja ympäristö. Verisk Analytics auttaa asiakkaita suojaamaan ihmisiä, omaisuutta ja taloudellisia resursseja perusperiaatteessa. Mukaan lukien vahva osakekohtaisen tuloksen kasvu 2 31 V uF, kasvua 5 7 edellisvuotisesta, nettotulojen nousu 4 4 vuodesta 2013, vahva liiketoiminnan kassavirta 228 1 miljoona YTD ja kasvanut voittomarginaalit tällä hetkellä 46. Viimeisimmän tulosraportin mukaan Veriskin vakuutusyksiköiden kannattama liikevaihdon hyvä kasvu sekä erinomaiset rahoitusalan näkymät. Yhdysvaltojen terveydenhuollon nopeasti muuttuvien kohteiden, kuten hiljattain hankitun Argus-yksikön, huipputasoinen rahoitusanalyysi, Sijoittaa Veriskin houkuttelevaan asemaan pitkällä aikavälillä.2 Splunk, Inc Nasdaq SPLK. Rakkauttavan uuden näkemyksen koneiden tietojen saatavuudesta, käytettävyydestä ja arvokkaasta kaikille Splunk on iso veli - tyyppinen peli, joka valvoo ja analysoi kaiken asiakkaan napsautussuhteista ja liiketoimista verkkoaktiviteetteihin ja kutsumustietueihin. Rakenteettomat tiedot käsittelevät yli 90 tietoa nykyisissä organisaatioissa, kuten Splunk Ovat välttämättömiä tietojen analysoimiseksi ja välittämiseksi käyttökelpoisiin, toimiviin tietoihin. Yhtiöllä on yli 7 900 asiakasta, jotka käyttävät palveluitaan kustannusten vähentämiseen, turvallisuusriskien lieventämiseen, sääntöjen noudattamisen varmistamiseen ja toimintakyvyn parantamiseen. Rahoituksen näkökulmasta näkymät ovat vahvat, 52-vuotiaiden liikevaihto kasvoi. Myös hinta-myynti 31 9 ja hinta-käyttöomaisuus 19 43 ovat selvästi vertais-median yläpuolella, mikä osoittaa luottamuksen tuleviin kasvumahdollisuuksiin. heillä on yhä tasapaino tulojen ja menojen välillä, mutta nuorella yrityksellä on joitakin ässää hihaansa. Jos allekirjoittaa sopimuksia joidenkin isojen aikojen asiakkaiden kanssa, kuten Volkswagen ja tekemään vahvoja yrityskauppoja Cloudmeter, Splunk sijoittaa älykkäästi itseensä ratsastamaan massiivinen, inertiaalinen Big Data - tuotannon laajentaminen. Tämän pitäisi tarjota tällaiselle monipuoliselle yritykselle suotuisat kasvumahdollisuudet. Suuri tietomuutos on vielä alkuvuosina ja sillä on vakavia jaloja. jotka tarjoavat ohjelmistoja ja analytiikkaa analysoimalla näitä tietoja, hyötyvät suotuisasta paikasta äärimmäisen terveellisillä markkinoilla. Internet tarjoaa nykyään paljon työmahdollisuuksia ihmisille, jotka ovat melkein jokaisesta elämänkatsastuksesta. Olitpa opiskelija, joka etsii ylimääräisiä tuloja, koti-työpaikalla tai kokopäiväisen työntekijän etsimässä toisessa työpaikassa etsiviä äitiä, World Wide Web on Oikea kohde Haluatko tulla freelance-bloggaajaksi Seuraa näitä vinkkejä ja laske ensimmäinen työpaikka. Haluat olla freelance-bloggaaja Seuraa näitä vinkkejä ja laske ensimmäinen kirjoitusasiasi. Freelance-bloggaaja on erityisen nykyään vaatimassa. Monet verkkovastaavat ja yrittäjät tekevät usein ei ole aikaa tai taitoa kirjoittaa blogiviestejä säännöllisesti Kokoaikaisten bloggaajien palkkaamisen sijaan nämä työnantajat haluavat ulkoistaa työn ja etsiä freelance-bloggaaja Jos haluat hyödyntää suurimman osan näistä mahdollisuuksia, tässä on joitakin vinkkejä, joiden avulla voit aloittaa.1 Luo tehokas resume. The ensimmäinen asia mitä sinun tarvitsee tehdä aloittaa tullut freelance blogger on luoda oman jatkaa enää jatkaa ei välttämättä ole enemmän vaikuttava sijaan. työnantaja etsii bloggaajaa voittanut t huolta jos olet hotdog syö kilpakampanjasta tai jos olisit shakkiklubin presidentti lukiossa, ellei työnantaja ajaa blogia hotdogista ja shakkista, kiinnitä huomiota yksityiskohtiin, jotka ovat merkityksellisiä kirjoitustesi taitojen sijaan. on varma-palovaatimus, jota tarvitset, jos haluat uraa freelance-bloggerina Työnantajat haluavat nähdä kirjoitustyyliasi ja kykytsi ensin varmista, että sinulla on kirjoitusnäytteet valmiina Jos sinulla on julkaistuja teoksia verkossa sitten on helppoa viitata potentiaalisten asiakkaiden näihin verkkosivuihin linkkien välityksellä Voit myös viedä heidät blogiin, jos sinulla on yksi Ei salkku näyttää vielä Ei ongelmaa Yksinkertaisesti kirjoita pari artikkelia Esitä yleisiä aiheita, jotka osoittavat kirjoitustyyliasi.3 Liity työnantajien ja freelancereiden verkkokauppaan. Useimmille freelance-blogger-mainostajille paras paikka löytää ensimmäiset asiakkaasi olisi verkkokauppa. Markkinapaikat, kuten oDesk-yhteys työnantajat ja freelance-urakoitsijat Yksi paikka, joka helpottaa molempien osapuolten etsimistä etsimäsi ihmisiä. Sinun tarvitsee vain luoda tili ja online-profiili, jotta pääset alkuun. Tämän jälkeen voit hakea erilaisia ​​kirjoitusasioita. 4 Suojaa maksusi Koska freelance-blogging on pääosin ulkoistamistyötä, on mahdollista, että sinulla on asiakkaita eri puolilta maailmaa. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että tarvitset turvallisen maksutavan, jonka kautta työnantajat voivat lähettää korvauksen kirjoitustehtäviin. Harkitse Paypal-tilin avaamista. Se on helppoa, kätevä ja on erittäin turvallinen ja luotettava online-maksutapa Älä koskaan alkanut etsiä töitä, ellet ole varmistanut maksutapaa ensin Kun olet tehnyt Työpaikka, muista ilmoittaa asiakkaalle maksutavastamme. Ensimmäinen työpaikka freelance-bloggaajana voi olla haastava, mutta jos työskentelet tarpeeksi kovasti, on melkein varma, että saat asiakkaita ennemmin tai myöhemmin. Säilytä työpaikkoja selailussa ja Pitää hakea keikkoja, jotka olette pätevöityneet. Saat todennäköisesti muutaman vastauksen jokaista kymmentä sovellusta kohden, mutta näin on jokaisen alun freelance-bloggerille. Kun päästät ensimmäiseen työhön ja aloitat kokemuksen hankkimisen, salkkusi kasvaa hyvin ja laskeutumistyöt helpottavat ja helpottavat. Verkkää asiakaspalvelua, kun vain yksi kauppapaikkasi sijainti on hallittavissa Voit vastata kaikkiin sähköpostiviesteihin itse, puhua asiakkaille, valvoa työntekijöiden käyttäytymistä ja yleensä varmistaa, että kaikki toimii sujuvasti jotta asiakkaat saisivat apua he tarvitsevat ajoissa. He saavat entistä monimutkaisempia, mutta kun päätät jakaa ulos On selvää, että on olemassa taloudellisia näkökohtia kun haluat ajatella toisen sijainnin avaamista tai myymälän koon kasvattamista, mutta oletko katsonut, että sinun on luotava uusi asiakaspalvelusuunnitelma laajennuksestasi. Asiakaspalvelun rakenta minen ei ole helppoa , mutta on varmasti tapoja helpottaa. Tarkista nämä vinkit asiakaspalvelun rakentamiseen asteikolle. 1 Usein kysytyt kysymykset Olet todennäköisesti huomannut, että saat samoja kysymyksiä yhä useammilta asiakkailta, ja jos et tarjoa Usein kysytyt kysymykset sivuillasi, olet tuhlaa arvokasta aikaa vastaamaan samaan kysymykseen toistuvasti Vaikka monet yritykset epäröivät tarjota säilyneitä vastauksia, muista vain, että antavat asiakkaiden auttaa itseään, kun he voivat, ei ole sama asia kuin jättää asiakkaat tekemään täysin omasta puolestaan FAQs-sivun tarjoaminen on win-win - asiakas, joka etsii etsimääsi nopeasti ja vähentää työmäärääsi. Jotkut yritykset ovat myös perustaneet automaattisen vastauksen sähköposteihin, joissa luetellaan usein kysytyt kysymykset. T helposti ratkaisseet ongelmat voivat saada apua heti ja tarjota sitten toinen sähköpostiosoite tai maksuton numero, jos he tarvitsevat edelleen apua.2 Kehitä yrityskäytäntöjä Jos olet kasvanut sen kohdan yli, joka voi hoitaa kaikki asiakaspalvelua koskevat ongelmat omillaan, se voi olla pelottavaa, jotta muut voivat ottaa reinien asiakkaiden kanssa. Jos kehität hyvin erityisiä toimintatapoja käsittelemään erityisiä tilanteita, kaikki asiakaspalvelussa näkevät sen, mitä hän tai hänen pitäisi tehdä esimerkiksi työntekijöille mahdollisuus saada takaisin enintään 50 omaa ostoa, jotta asiakkaiden valitukset voidaan ratkaista suuremmilla määrillä, he tietävät, että he tarvitsevat tulla sinuun. 3 Tee perusteellinen asiakaspalvelukoulutus Don t olettaa, että työntekijät tietävät, mitä tarkoitat asiakaspalvelulla. Varmista, että kouluttautat uusia työntekijöitä paitsi kassan käyttöön tai kahden samanlaisen tuotteen väliseen eroon. Syödä asiakkaita sekä silloin, kun asiakkaat ovat onnellisia ja kun he ovat uudelleen hulluja käy läpi käytännön skenaarioita varmistaakseen, että he todella ymmärrä, mitä he odottavat niistä.4 Rajoita työntekijöitänne Asiakaspalvelua on jokaisen työn ja yrityksen kasvaessa Yhä tärkeämpää varmistaa, että kaikki tietävät, miten käsitellä asiakkaiden kysymyksiä ja valituksia Asiakaspalvelumme edustajat voisivat olla aina auttamassa liikkeesi kasvua, joten jos muut voivat auttaa hyppysissä, voit olla varma tietäen, että joku asiantunteva tulee olemaan siellä pitämään asiakkaat tyytyväisinä. 5 Säilytä samoja standardeja kuin ennen laajentamista Ainoastaan, koska yrität tehdä enemmän vähemmän, ei tarkoita sitä, että asiakaspalvelun on kärsittävä, joten mene laajentumisesi olettaen, että pystyt ylläpitää samoja korkeita standardeja, joita olet aina tehnyt. On helppo päästä käsiksi siihen, että sinulla ei ole riittävästi aikaa vastata riittävästi asiakkaiden vaatimuksiin, vaan luopua Ustomer palvelu kärsii, muista, että sinulla on vaihtoehtoja Luottamus avainhenkilöstöön, ajatella äänihuuletuksen ulkopuolella löytää ratkaisuja ja muista, että asiakaspalvelu on äärimmäisen tärkeä, ja sinun tulee olemaan menestyksekäs asiakaspalvelun skaalaamiseen sopivaksi kasvavalle business. Rana Bilalz Blog. The Delhi Stock Exchange Association Limited DSE sijaitsee New Delhissä Intiassa Se perustettiin 25. kesäkuuta 1947 Vaihto on yhdistetty Delhi Stock ja Share Brokers Association Limited ja Delhi Stocks and Shares Exchange Limited Se on Intia n viides vaihto Pörssi on yksi Intian suurimmista arvopaperipörsseistä Delhi Pörssissä on hyvät yhteydet 50 kaupunkiin, joilla on terminaalit Pohjois-Intiassa. Pörssissä on yli 3 000 pörssiyhtiötä. Se on saanut markkinoiden sääntelyviranomaisen BSE-luvan ja on tullut jäsen Nyt se helpottaa DSE: n jäseniä käymään kauppaa BSE-terminaaleilla Vaihtoa pidetään myös samana kuin NSE. DSE Dematerialized Tradi Ng. Delhi Pörssi on yhdistynyt National Security Depository Limitedin NSDL: n kanssa ja aloittanut kaupankäynnin dematerialisoiduissa osakkeissa. Tämä alkoi syyskuussa 1988. Vaihtoehto joko osakkeiden luovuttamiseen joko fyysisessä tai demat muodossa alkoi marraskuussa 1998. Muokkaa DSE-kaupan takuurahasto. DSE alusti Rs 125 crore Trade Guarantee Fundin 27.7.1998. TGF takaa kaikki DSE: n transaktiot Stock Exchangein kautta. Jos jäsen ei noudata selvitysvelvollisuutta, TGF sitoutuu täyttämään sitoumuksensa ja täyttämään kaiken selvityksen ilman häiriöitä . Muokkaa Virallinen osoite. DSE-toimisto Delhi-pörssiyhdistys Oy West Plaza Indira Gandhi - stadion New Delhi -110002 Intia Puh 91 -11-2337 9590, 2337 9951.Kauppaa käyttävät kauppajärjestelmän julkaisijat ja sijoittajat, jotka tilaavat niille Käyttämällä sitä, kauppiaat voivat seurata markkinoiden merkittävä suorituskyky useilla erilaisilla vertailukelpoisilla muuttujilla 1 Näiden mustan laatikon järjestelmien seurannan ohella automaattinen kaupankäyntialusta tarjoaa myös mahdollisuuden antaa järjestelmän myydä myyntisignaaleja Suoritetaan tilaajan sbrokeratiliin automaattisesti Jotkut automatisoidut kaupankäyntialustat ovat täysin välittäjä-agnostisia ja mahdollistavat rajapinnan melkein minkä tahansa välitysyrityksen kanssa. Välittömästi hyötyä sijoittajille on se, että heillä on mahdollisuus saada tietoa erilaisista kaupankäyntijärjestelmistä, jotka saattavat tehdä kannatusta kannattavuudesta. Foorumi sallii ihmisille tai instituutioille, jotka uskovat pystyvänsä parempaan markkinatilanteeseen osoittamaan Julkistetaan verifioitavalla tavalla, että ne voivat todellisuudessa tehdä niin 2. Toisessa käyttövaiheessa kauppiaat merkitsevät yhtä tai useampaa näistä kaupankäyntimenetelmistä ja ovat kaupoissa, jotka järjestelmä määrittää automaattisesti välittäjätilillä. Vaikka kääntäminen Päätösten tekeminen ja toteuttaminen mustalla laatikkojärjestelmällä edellyttää, että sijoittaja luopuu hallinnosta, automatisoidulla kaupankäyntijärjestelmällä pyritään antamaan elinkeinonharjoittajalle mahdollisuus viettää enemmän aikaa strategiaan ja trendien tutkimiseen sen sijaan, että nämä strategiat toteutettaisiin manuaalisesti. muokkaus Suorituksen nopeus Automaattisten kaupankäyntijärjestelmien ja osakemarkkinoiden ilmeneminen on kaventanut huomattavasti tilaisuuden ikkunaa monilla kaupoilla, toisinaan vain muutaman sekunnin ajan Vastauksena kauppiaat ovat siirtymässä omien automatisoitujen järjestelmiensa kanssa Jos esimerkiksi yksi On kaupankäynti yhdellä monista järjestelmistä, jotka sijoittuvat näihin hyvin pieniin ikkunoihin, käsikäyttöinen toteutus on käytännössä mahdotonta. Kaupan toteuttaminen on aloitettava välittömästi ja halutun sekunnin tarkkuudella, heti kun järjestelmä antaa ostosignaalin. 3. muokkaa Paras practices The automated trading platform, in providing a venue for analyzing multiple stock trading systems or black boxes , provides a tool for verifiable analysis of each of those systems While such systems often make claims of profitability, and sometimes of unheard-of returns, the automated trading platform allows the investors to vet those systems and play the ones most likely to win Generally accepted best practices are described by Klein as follo ws. The foreign exchange market Currency Forex or FX market is where currency trading takes place It is where banks and other official institutions facilitate the buying and selling of foreign currencies 1 FX transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another The foreign exchange market that we see today started evolving during the 1970s when worldover countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from their erstwhile exchange rate regime which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system till 1971.Today, the FX market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks currency speculators corporations, governments and other institutions The average daily volume in the global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing Traditional daily turnover was reported to be over US 3 2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank for International Settlements 2 Since then, the market has continued to grow According to Euromoney s annual FX Poll, volumes grew a further 41 between 2007 and 2008 3.The purpose of FX market is to facilitate trade and investment The need for a foreign exchange market arises because of the presence of multifarious international currencies such as US Dollar, Pound Sterling, etc and the need for trading in such currencies. Dateline Washington, October 19th get it 2010 the Peoples Bank Trust of America has now established itself as the only bank of any kind in the USA, totally owned and managed by the US House of Representatives A 2 3 majority must now approve all investment banking transactions your district representative s staff reviews individual mortgage applications and all 401 k , IRA, and remaining employer pension assets have been rolled into the Social Security Slush Fund. Only federal and state elected officials are exempt from the 45 all purpose Income Tax The estimated time to br ing new companies public is 4 5 years all individual account dividends and interest are paid directly into your IRS grabber account CEO s salaries are limited to 50 of the amount paid to a first year congressman, and any government budget shortfalls are withdrawn from corporate earnings before any corporate obligations can be dealt with. All employees receive the federal mandated minimum wage, except senior executives who are limited as mentioned above Scary This is a scenario that could play out if Congress or the SEC does not come to the rescue of the credit markets You missed your opportunity to help stop it, but chances are a fix is on its way. How many more businesses, jobs, and hopes will be killed by this irresponsible Congress When will the average blogger realize that when a corporation fails, we all suffer One would think that the informed and enlightened could take time out from their texting for a little research and education Instead, they show their power by influencing pub lic opinion numbers and the marshmallow politicians who worship them As economist Irwin Kellner and I have pointed out, this is no bailout and we are not nearly approaching a recession. Kellner s September 28th Market Watch article points out ten major differences between now and then 1 In 1929, the DJIA plunged 40 in two months vs around 30 in about a year 2 In 1933, the jobless rate was 33 vs 6 today 3 The GDP shrank 25 then, but has increased 6 now 4 Consumer prices actually fell 30 then but haven t ever since. 5 Home prices dropped 30 then, but only 16 from the recent bubbly highs 6 40 of all mortgages were in default then vs only 4 now 7 9,000 banks failed in the 1930s compared with just 25 or so bigger and broader based ones recently 8 The Federal Reserve reduced the money supply, 9 raised interest rates, and 10 raised taxes on foreign imports. Further, Kellner points out, we now have automatic stabilizers, deposit insurances, and market trading restrictions as protective elements Today s Congress however, has never been good at connecting dots, has accomplished nothing under an unpopular president, and is ignoring its role as the primary creative force in today s problems This transfusion is needed because bad laws have obscured the values on financial institution balance sheets, and have created a clot in the credit arteries that keep the economy alive. Educate yourselves on the Accounting Rule s that require institutions to book paying assets at pennies on the dollar Find out why institut ions are afraid to loan money to one another--- over night, at any rate of interest--- strangling the credit markets. Doing nothing is killing jobs, killing companies, and deferring retirements for those who were counting on 401 k and IRA dollars to provide them with income Congress, of course has an old-fashioned pension plan, so it is unaffected by such financial realities. Investigate the relaxation of lending standards that Congress orchestrated over the past few administrations, before blaming the companies that then extended credit to many speculators and other buyers who falsified application papers Learn how the SEC was prohibited from regulating the CDOs and other multiple-leveraged credit market speculations There are as many culprits outside the corporate executive suite as in it. Congress is bursting with pride over bringing some of the Rich and Famous to their knees, and capping some of their obscene compensation arrangements at still shareholder pillaging levels I ve spoken often about how these salaries need to be controlled But the multi-level-mortgage-marketing schemes that Congress encouraged must be unbundled somehow, and a buy out is the proper vehicle. Congress has punished the entire world with its attack on Wall Street, and both parties are to blame Representatives of the states listed below voted no to the credit transfusion, causing death and destruction that, in many instances, cannot be recouped We have to replace them with better decision makers, representatives who can think in economic terms when they have to. The number and letter code after the state designation indicates the number of representatives and their party AL-1R, AK-1R, AZ-4D4R, CA-15D9R, CO-2D2R, CT-1D, FL-1D13R, GA-4D7R, HI-2D, ID-1R, IL-4D5R, IN-3D3R, IA-1D2R, KS-1D2R, KY-2D2R, LA-2D3R, ME-1D, MD-2D1R, MA-3D, MI-3D6R, MN-2D2R, MS-3D, MO-2D3R, MT-1R, NE-3R, NV-1D1R, NH-2D, NJ-3D4R, NM-1D1R, NY-3D1R, NC-3D5R, OH-3D7R, OK-3R, OR-3D, PA-3D7R, SC-1R, SD-1D, TN-1D4R, TX-8D14R, UT-1 D1R, VT-1D, VA-1D5R, WA-1D3R, WV-1R, WI-1D2R Names withheld, but available from the author. On Friday evening, candidates Obama and McCain gave their support to the Capital infusion, but neither bothered to explain why--- a huge audience was ready to soak up the information Over the weekend, both attended meetings to support the plan and to generate support from their respective parties. Is there enough time left to find a hero. Stock Market Trading - Are you ready to become a millionaire Here are 3 proven strategies to make you become a more successful trader and increase your wealth They can be used if you are forex trader, stock market trader. If you want to catch the serious profit in Forex Trading you need to trend watch Forex trends which are worse term here we are going to give you a 3 step simple method which if you use it correctly, will help you catch every superior Forex trend and lead you to long-term term currency dealing success This will add more money to your bottom line tha n most other strategies. For you to become a successful Forex Trader, you must set rules and then follow them Successful Forex Traders have discpline. Most beginner Forex traders don t bother trying to trend following Forex lengthier term - instead they try Forex scalping or day trading These methods focus the trader on small moves and they hope to catch small profit however as most short term moves are random, this leads to equity eliminate. The other alternatives are swing trading and long term Forex trend following and this article is all about the latter method If you look at any Forex chart, you will see long-term term trends that last for months or years These moves can and do yield serious profit - present we will outline a simple method to get them. By far the best way of catching the serious moves is to use a Forex Trading strategy based around breakouts A breakout is simply a move on a Forex chart where a new high or low is made and resistance or support is broken. It s a fact tha t most leading moves start from new highs or lows. While it might appear that you are not buying or selling at the greatest level, you are in terms of the odds of the trend continuing Most Forex traders make the mistake of waiting for the breakout to come back and get in at a better price but these traders never get on board The grounds are if a breakout occurs, then you have a new strong trend and a pullback is not very likely to occur. Most traders don t buy or sell breakouts and that s exactly why it s such a powerful method. The only point to keep in mind is a support or resistance which is ruined, should be valid and that means at least 3 points in at least 2 different times frames The more tests and the greater the spacing between the tests the more valid the level is. Confirmation Make sure it is confirmed. Of course not every breakout keeps and some reverse, these are false and can cause losses You therefore need to confirm each move All you need to do to achieve this is to put a fe w momentum indicators in your Forex trading system to confirm your dealing signal. These indicators give you an estimation of the strength and velocity of price and there are many to choose from We don t have time to discuss them here simply look up our other articles but two of the greatest are - the stochastic and Relative Strength Index RSI. Stops and Targets. Stop points are easy with breakouts - Simply behind the breakout point. If you have a serious trend then you need to be careful you can milk it, so don t move your stop to soon and keep it outside of normal volatility If it is a huge move, trailing stops should be held a long-term way back and the 40 day moving average is a good level to use. You have to keep in mind that when the trend does eventually turn you are going to give some profit back You don t know when the trend is going to end, so don t predict. It s ok to give a serious back, as that s the nature of trading Forex Keep in mind if you got 50 of all leading trend you wou ld be very rich When you are long-term term trend following you have accept giving a bit back and taking dips in open equity as the trend develops - this is noise and does not affect the long term trend. The above is a simple way to trend watch Forex and catch the high odds moves that yield the serious profit If you are learning Forex dealing and want a simple method that is robust and will help you get every major move, then you should base your dealing on the above method. Now that you have all the winning strategies, you now need to have a winning broker, recently the CFD FX REPORT has reviewed these brokers and have come up with Best Forex Broker to find out this visit the website. Value stocks are those that tend to trade at lower prices relative to their fundamental characteristics than their more speculative cousins, the growth stocks they have higher than usual dividend yields and lower P E and P B ratios So when all stock prices are down significantly, have they all become value stocks Or, based on the panicky fear that tends to overwhelm media and financial experts alike, haven t they all taken on the speculative characteristics of growth stocks. Well, to a certain extent they have, because the lower value stock prices go, the more likely it is that they will eventually experience the 15 ROE that typifies the classic growth stock Interestingly, by definition, growth stocks are expected to be associated with profitable companies, a fact that speculators often lose site of There are three features that separate value stocks from growth stocks and two that separate Investment Grade Value IGV stocks from the average, run-of-the-mill, variety. Value stocks pay dividends, and have lower ratios than growth stocks IGV stock companies also have long-term histories of profitability and an S P rating of B or higher Would you be surprised to learn that neither the DJIA nor the S P 500 contains particularly high numbers of IGV stocks Still, since 1982, value stocks have out performed growth stocks 62 of the time So when an ugly correction has a makeover, it s likely that all value stocks transform themselves into growth stocks, at least temporarily. Will Rogers summed up the stock selection quandary nicely with Only buy stocks that go up If they aren t going to go up, don t buy them Many have misunderstood this tongue-in-cheek observation and joined the buy-anything-high investment club You need dig no further than the current lists June 08 of most advancing issues to see how investors are buying commodity companies and financial futures at the highest prices in the history of mankind. This while they are shunning IGVSI Investment Grade Value Stock Index companies that have plummeted to their most attractive price levels in three to five years Many of the very best multinational companies in the world are at historically low prices Wall Street smiles knowingly and greedily as Main Street hucksters tout gold, currencies, and oil futures as retirement plan sa fety nets Regulatory agencies look the other way as speculations worm their way into qualified plans of all varieties Surely those markets will be regulated some day--- after the next Bazooka-pink, gooey mess becomes history. How much financial bloodshed is necessary before we realize that there is no safe and easy shortcut to investment success When do we learn that most of our mistakes involve greed, fear, or unrealistic expectations about what we own Eventually, successful investors begin to allocate assets in a goal directed manner by adopting a more realistic investment strategy--- one with security selection guidelines and realistic performance definitions and expectations. If you are thinking of trying a strategy for a year to see if it works, you re being too short-term sighted--- the investment markets operate in cycles If you insist on comparing your performance with indices and averages, you ll rarely be satisfied A viable investment strategy will be a three-dimensional decisi on model, and all three decisions are equally important Few strategies include a targeted profit taking discipline--- dimension two The first dimension involves the selection of securities The third. How should an investor determine what stocks to buy, and when to buy them We ve discussed the features of value and growth stocks and seen how any number of companies can qualify as either dependent upon where we are in terms of the market cycle or where they are in terms of their own industry, sector, or business cycles Value stocks and the debt securities of value stock companies tend to be safer than growth stocks But IGVSI stocks are super-screened by a unique rating system that is based on company survival statistics--- very important stuff. In the late 90 s, it was rumored that a well-known value fund manager was asked why he wasn t buying dot-coms, IPOs, etc When he said that they didn t qualify as value stocks, he was told to change his definition--- or else IGV stocks include a qual ity element that minimizes the risk of loss and normally smoothes the angles in the market cycle The market value highs are typically not as high, but the market value lows are most often not as low as they are with either growth or Wall Street definition value stocks They work best in conjunction with portfolios that have an income allocation of at least 30 --- you need to know why. How do we create a confidence building IGV stock selection universe without getting bogged down in endless research Here are five filters you can use to come up with a listing of higher quality companies 1 An S P rating of B or better Standard Poor s combines many fundamental and qualitative factors into a letter ranking that speaks only to the financial viability of the companies Anything rated lower adds more risk to your portfolio. 2 A history of profitability Although it should seem obvious, buying stock in a company that has a history of profitable operations is inherently less risky Profitable operations adapt more readily to changes in markets, economies, and business growth opportunities 3 A history of regular, even increasing, dividend payments Companies will go to great lengths, and endure great hardships, before electing either to cut or to omit a dividend Dividend changes are important, absolute size is not. 4 A Reasonable Price Range Most Investment Grade stocks are priced above 10 per share and only a few trade at levels above 100 An unusually high price may be caused by higher sector or company-specific speculation while an inordinately low price may be a good warning signal 5 An NYSE listing--- just because it s easier. Your selection universe will become the backbone of your equity asset allocation, so there is no room for creative adjustments to the rules and guidelines you ve established--- no matter how strongly you feel about recent news or rumor There are approximately 450 IGV stocks to choose from--- and you ll find the name recognition comforting Additionally, as these companies gyrate above and below your purchase price as they absolutely will , you can be more confident that it is merely the nature of the stock market and not an imminent financial disaster. - forex traders community since 2006.MightyOne wrote KETO POST.9 egg yolks cooked in coconut oil 12 ounces of bacon a cup of mint tea no oil. I purchased a rack of b-back ribs but I don t feel like spending hours cooking it so I ll have to figure something else out. As far as health, I feel much more healthy on Keto compared to a high carb vegan S A D. Last night I had 9 egg yolks 1 pound of ground lamb then later I had another pound of ground lamb black tea. earl grey black tea 1 TBSP unrefined red palm oil heaping TBSP of stevia vit E crazy amounts of beta-carotene other substances that clean out your arteries. Poundage it s been about a week of eating 2000 calories of mostly fat I am down 5 pounds. When I feel fatted out , like a cannot take another bite of fat, I ll just eat grape tomatoes and drink tea water. although red palm fruit oil is indeed high in saturated fat, it actually protects against heart disease Saturated fats behave like a thick molasses through the cardiovascular system , eventually contributing to plaque atherosclerosis But studies show that adding palm oil into the diet can remove plaque build-up in arteries and, therefore, reverse the process of plaque and prevent blockages In fact, studies funded by the National Institutes of Health NIH have shown that a natural form of vitamin E called alpha tocotrienol, which is the form found in high amounts in red palm fruit oil, can help reduce the effects of stroke by 50 by protecting your brain s nerve cells. Dude, your going off the deep end Anything in EXCESS is bad for you Including too much FAT, too much PROTEIN, and too many CARBS Back to basics. All you need is a cone and to Eat meat, veggies, nuts n seeds, berries, some fruit, VERY little starch and NO sugar. 1BODY in direction of profit 2INCREASE lot size Obsessively My Losses cause me Great Laughter Trading Bible here therumpledone the-ideas-that-i-trade-by-t3256 page1670.Dude, your going off the deep end Anything in EXCESS is bad for you Including too much FAT, too much PROTEIN, and too many CARBS Back to basics. All you need is a cone and to Eat meat, veggies, nuts n seeds, berries, some fruit, VERY little starch and NO sugar.1 I eat meat that is mostly fat 2 I eat cruciferous vegetables and some greens 3 I do not eat nuts high carbs but I do eat Chia seeds 1 net carb per oz high fat 4 blueberries are ok, but I personally do not eat them 5 I ll have avocado, lemon, tomatoes high fat or high acid low carb fruits to break down fat 6 I do not consume starch 7 I do not consume simple sugar. Carbs are extremely low, animal protein is moderate 15-20 , that means that FAT is high there is no way around this cut down the fat and you raise protein, cut the protein and you raise fat, high animal pr otein leads to disease China Study. That means that your objection is the number of calories that I consume. I know that it is hard to believe but, assuming that you do not workout your body needs 1800 to 2500 calories per day The need also extends beyond raw calories Think of 100 calories as a package of nutrients, energy wise you might feel like you can do without 5 packages but the net result is a nutrient deficiency. My calories are in line with minimum national standards my macros are in line with a ketogenic diet if you believe that I am doing something in excess then you will have to DEFINE what the excess is -- according to the diet. What the fk is too much fat what is going to replace it. Last edited by MightyOne on Mon Jul 27, 2015 12 58 am, edited 2 times in total. Stephanie Person wrote VITAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW TO KETO ADAPT SERIES MY CONSIDERATION LIST Go to bed super early Workout before 2pm Vitamin D Calories over 1700 Fatty protein in the morning 200 grams fat at least 50 percent animal fat Under 100 grams protein omega 3 fatty acids selenium enough water b - complex meditation everyday zinc magnesium blue blockers B12, methyl folate DLPA to get off caffeine short term no cheese, nuts, caffeine, protein shakes no cardio no intermittent fasting no re-feeding no over training - to failure training no scales or tracking your weight no reading or watching tv from bed no melatonin THIS IS JUST MY START LIST THERE IS MORE TO COME. Hey, You ve got a plan and your working it I will default to what Alias says. EAT Your Way as Long as It Makes you LEAN and HEALTHY. 1BODY in direction of profit 2INCREASE lot size Obsessively My Losses cause me Great Laughter Trading Bible here therumpledone the-ideas-that-i-trade-by-t3256 page1670.The foreign exchange market Currency, Forex, or FX market is where currency trading takes place It is where banks and other official institutions facilitate the buying and selling of foreign currencies 1 FX transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another The foreign exchange market that we see today started evolving during the 1970s when worldover countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from their erstwhile exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system till 1971 Today, the FX market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and other institutions The average daily volume in the global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing Traditional daily turnover was reported to be over US 3 2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank for International Settlements 2 Since then, the market has continued to grow According to Euromoney s annual FX Poll, volumes grew a further 41 between 2007 and 2008 3 The purpose of FX market is to facilitate trade and investment The need for a foreign exchange market arises because of the presence of multifarious international currencies such as US Dollar, Pound Sterling, etc and the need for trading in such currencies. edit Market size and liquidity The foreign exchange market is unique because of its trading volumes, the extreme liquidity of the market, its geographical dispersion, its long trading hours 24 hours a day except on weekends from 22 00 UTC on Sunday until 22 00 UTC Friday , the variety of factors that affect exchange rates the low margins of profit compared with other markets of fixed income but profits can be high due to very large trading volumes the use of leverage. Main foreign exchange market turnover, 1988 - 2007, measured in billions of USD As such, it has been referred to as the market closest to the ideal perfect competition, notwithstanding market manipulation by central banks According to the Bank for International Settlements, 2 average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at 3 98 trillion Trading in the world s main financial markets accounted for 3 21 trillion of this This approximately 3 21 trillion in main foreign exchange market turnover was bro ken down as follows 1 005 trillion in spot transactions 362 billion in outright forwards 1 714 trillion in foreign exchange swaps 129 billion estimated gaps in reporting Of the 3 98 trillion daily global turnover, trading in London accounted for around 1 36 trillion, or 34 1 of the total, making London by far the global center for foreign exchange In second and third places respectively, trading in New York accounted for 16 6 , and Tokyo accounted for 6 0 In addition to traditional turnover, 2 1 trillion was traded in derivatives Exchange-traded FX futures contracts were introduced in 1972 at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and are actively traded relative to most other futures contracts Several other developed countries also permit the trading of FX derivative products like currency futures and options on currency futures on their exchanges All these developed countries already have fully convertible capital accounts Most emerging countries do not permit FX derivative products on thei r exchanges in view of prevalent controls on the capital accounts However, a few select emerging countries e g Korea, South Africa, India 1 2 have already successfully experimented with the currency futures exchanges, despite having some controls on the capital account FX futures volume has grown rapidly in recent years, and accounts for about 7 of the total foreign exchange market volume, according to The Wall Street Journal Europe 5 5 06, p 20 Top 10 currency traders 4 of overall volume, May 2008 Rank Name Volume 1 Deutsche Bank 21 70 2 UBS AG 15 80 3 fx Capital 9 12 4 Citi 7 49 5 Royal Bank of Scotland 7 30 6 JPMorgan 4 19 7 HSBC 4 10 8 Lehman Brothers 3 58 9 Goldman Sachs 3 47 10 Morgan Stanley 2 86 Foreign exchange trading increased by 38 between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001 This is largely due to the growing importance of foreign exchange as an asset class and an increase in fund management assets, particularly of hedge funds and pension f unds The diverse selection of execution venues such as retail trading platforms platforms offered by companies such as ParagonEX, First Prudential Markets and Saxo Bank have made it easier for retail traders to trade in the foreign exchange market In 2006, retail traders constituted over 2 of the whole FX market volumes with an average daily trade volume of over US 50-60 billion see retail trading platforms 5 Because foreign exchange is an OTC market where brokers dealers negotiate directly with one another, there is no central exchange or clearing house The biggest geographic trading centre is the UK, primarily London, which according to IFSL estimates has increased its share of global turnover in traditional transactions from 31 3 in April 2004 to 34 1 in April 2007 The ten most active traders account for almost 80 of trading volume, according to the 2008 Euromoney FX survey 3 These large international banks continually provide the market with both bid buy and ask sell prices The bid ask spread is the difference between the price at which a bank or market maker will sell ask , or offer and the price at which a market-maker will buy bid from a wholesale customer This spread is minimal for actively traded pairs of currencies, usually 0 3 pips For example, the bid ask quote of EUR USD might be 1 2200 1 2203 on a retail broker Minimum trading size for most deals is usually 100,000 units of base currency, which is a standard lot These spreads might not apply to retail customers at banks, which will routinely mark up the difference to say 1 2100 1 2300 for transfers, or say 1 2000 1 2400 for banknotes or travelers checks Spot prices at market makers vary, but on EUR USD are usually no more than 3 pips wide i e 0 0003 Competition is greatly increased with larger transactions, and pip spreads shrink on the major pairs to as little as 1 to 2 pips. edit Market participants Financial markets Bond marketFixed incomeCorporate bondGovernment bondMunicipal bondBond valuationHigh-yield debt Stock marketStockPreferred stockCommon stockRegistered shareVoting shareStock exchange Foreign exchange market Derivatives marketCredit derivativeHybrid securityOptionsFuturesForwardsSwaps Other MarketsCommodity marketMoney marketOTC marketReal estate marketSpot market Finance seriesFinancial marketFinancial market participantsCorporate financePersonal financePublic financeBanks and BankingFinancial regulation v d e Unlike a stock market, where all participants have access to the same prices, the foreign exchange market is divided into levels of access At the top is the inter-bank market, which is made up of the largest investment banking firms Within the inter-bank market, spreads, which are the difference between the bid and ask prices, are razor sharp and usually unavailable, and not known to players outside the inner circle The difference betwee n the bid and ask prices widens from 0-1 pip to 1-2 pips for some currencies such as the EUR This is due to volume If a trader can guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better spread The levels of access that make up the foreign exchange market are determined by the size of the line the amount of money with which they are trading The top-tier inter-bank market accounts for 53 of all transactions After that there are usually smaller investment banks, followed by large multi-national corporations which need to hedge risk and pay employees in different countries , large hedge funds, and even some of the retail FX-metal market makers According to Galati and Melvin, Pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and other institutional investors have played an increasingly important role in financial markets in general, and in FX markets in particular, since the early 2000s 2004 In addition, he notes, Hedge funds have grown markedly over the 2001 2004 period in terms of both number and overall size Central banks also participate in the foreign exchange market to align currencies to their economic needs. edit Banks The interbank market caters for both the majority of commercial turnover and large amounts of speculative trading every day A large bank may trade billions of dollars daily Some of this trading is undertaken on behalf of customers, but much is conducted by proprietary desks, trading for the bank s own account Until recently, foreign exchange brokers did large amounts of business, facilitating interbank trading and matching anonymous counterparts for small fees Today, however, much of this business has moved on to more efficient electronic systems The broker squawk box lets traders listen in on ongoing interbank trading and is heard in most trading rooms, but turnover is noticeably smaller than just a few years ago. edit Commercial companies An important part of this market comes from the financial activities of companies seeking foreign exchange to pay for goods or services Commercial companies often trade fairly small amounts compared to those of banks or speculators, and their trades often have little short term impact on market rates Nevertheless, trade flows are an important factor in the long-term direction of a currency s exchange rate Some multinational companies can have an unpredictable impact when very large positions are covered due to exposures that are not widely known by other market participants. edit Central banks National central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets They try to control the money supply, inflation, and or interest rates and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the market Milton Friedman argued that the best stabilization strategy would be for central banks to buy when the exchange rate is too low, and to sell when the rate is too high that is, to trade for a profit based on their more precise information Nevertheless, the effectiveness of central bank stabilizing speculation is doubtful because central banks do not go bankrupt if they make large losses, like other traders would, and there is no convincing evidence that they do make a profit trading The mere expectation or rumor of central bank intervention might be enough to stabilize a currency, but aggressive intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float currency regime Central banks do not always achieve their objectives The combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank 6 Several scenarios of this nature were seen in the 1992 93 ERM collapse, and in more recent times in Southeast Asia. edit Hedge funds as speculators About 70 to 90 of the foreign exchange transactions are speculative In other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no plan to actually take delivery of the currency in the end rather, they were solely speculating on the movement of that particular currency Hedge funds have gained a reputation for aggressive currency speculation since 1996 They control billions of dollars of equity and may borrow billions more, and thus may overwhelm intervention by central banks to support almost any currency, if the economic fundamentals are in the hedge funds favor. edit Investment management firms Investment management firms who typically manage large accounts on behalf of customers such as pension funds and endowments use the foreign exchange market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities For example, an investment manager bearing an international equity portfolio needs to purchase and sell several pairs of foreign currencies to pay for foreign securities purchases Some investment management firms also have more speculative specialist currency overlay operations, which manage clients currency exposures with the aim of generating profits as well as limiting risk Whilst the number of this type of specialist firms is quite small, many have a large value of assets under management AUM , and hence can generate large trades. edit Retail foreign exchange brokers There are two types of retail brokers offering the opportunity for speculative trading retail foreign exchange brokers and market makers Retail traders individuals are a small fraction of this market and may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks Retail brokers, while largely controlled and regulated by the CFTC and NFA might be subject to foreign exchange scams 7 8 At present, the NFA and CFTC are imposing stricter requirements, particularly in relation to the amount of Net Capitalization required of its members As a result many of the smaller, and perhaps questionable brokers are now gone It is not widely understood that retail brokers and market makers typically trade against their clients and frequently take the other side of their trades This can often create a potential conflict of interest and give rise to some of the unpleasant experiences some traders have had A move toward NDD No Dealing Desk and STP Straight Through Processi ng has helped to resolve some of these concerns and restore trader confidence, but caution is still advised in ensuring that all is as it is presented. edit Other Non-bank foreign exchange companies offer currency exchange and international payments to private individuals and companies These are also known as foreign exchange brokers but are distinct in that they do not offer speculative trading but currency exchange with payments I e there is usually a physical delivery of currency to a bank account It is estimated that in the UK, 14 of currency transfers payments are made via Foreign Exchange Companies 9 These companies selling point is usually that they will offer better exchange rates or cheaper payments than the customer s bank These companies differ from Money Transfer Remittance Companies in that they generally offer higher-value services Money transfer remittance companies perform high-volume low-value transfers generally by economic migrants back to their home country In 2007, the Aite Group estimated that there were 369 billion of remittances an increase of 8 on the previous year The four largest markets India, China, Mexico and the Philippines receive 95 billion The largest and best known provider is Western Union with 345,000 agents globally. edit Trading characteristics Most traded currencies 2 Currency distribution of reported FX market turnover Rank Currency ISO 4217 code Symbol daily share April 2007 1 United States dollar USD 86 3 2 Euro EUR 37 0 3 Japanese yen JPY 16 5 4 Pound sterling GBP 15 0 5 Swiss franc CHF Fr 6 8 6 Australian dollar AUD 6 7 7 Canadian dollar CAD 4 2 8-9 Swedish krona SEK kr 2 8 8-9 Hong Kong dollar HKD 2 8 10 Norwegian krone NOK kr 2 2 11 New Zealand dollar NZD 1 9 12 Mexican peso MXN 1 3 13 Singapore dollar SGD 1 2 14 South Korean won KRW 1 1 Other 14 5 Total 200 There is no unified or centrally cleared market for the majority of FX trades, and there is very little cross-border regulation Due to the over-the-counter OTC nature of currency markets, there are rather a number of interconnected marketplaces, where different currencies instruments are traded This implies that there is not a single exchange rate but rather a number of different rates prices , depending on what bank or market maker is trading, and where it is In practice the rates are often very close, otherwise they could be exploited by arbitrageurs instantaneously Due to London s dominance in the market, a particular currency s quoted price is usually the London market price A joint venture of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Reuters, called Fxmarketspace opened in 2007 and aspired but failed to the role of a central market clearing mechanism The main trading center is London, but New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore are all important centers as well Banks throughout the world participate Currency trading happens continuously throughout the day as the Asian trading session ends, the European session begins, followed by the North American session and then back to the Asian session, excluding weekends Fluctuations in exchange rates are usually caused by actual monetary flows as well as by expectations of changes in monetary flows caused by changes in gross domestic product GDP growth, inflation purchasing p ower parity theory , interest rates interest rate parity, Domestic Fisher effect, International Fisher effect , budget and trade deficits or surpluses, large cross-border M they can see their customers order flow Currencies are traded against one another Each pair of currencies thus constitutes an individual product and is traditionally noted XXX YYY, where YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency into which the price of one unit of XXX is expressed called base currency For instance, EUR USD is the price of the euro expressed in US dollars, as in 1 euro 1 5465 dollar Out of convention, the first currency in the pair, the base currency, was the stronger currency at the creation of the pair The second currency, counter currency, was the weaker currency at the creation of the pair The factors affecting XXX will affect both XXX YYY and XXX ZZZ This causes positive currency correlation between XXX YYY and XXX ZZZ On the spot market, according to the BIS study, the most heavily traded products were EUR USD 27 USD JPY 13 GBP USD also called sterling or cable 12 and the US currency was involved in 86 3 of transactions, followed by the euro 37 0 , the yen 16 5 , and sterling 15 0 see table Note that volume percentages should add up to 200 100 for all the sellers and 100 for all the buyers Trading in the euro has grown considerably since the currency s creation in January 1999, and how long the foreign exchange market will remain dollar-centered is open to debate Until recently, trading the euro versus a non-European currency ZZZ would have usually involved two trades EUR USD and USD ZZZ The exception to this is EUR JPY, which is an established traded currency pair in the interbank spot market As the dollar s value has eroded during 2008, interest in using the euro as reference currency for prices in commodities such as oil , as well as a larger component of foreign reserves by banks, has increased dramatically Transactions in the currencies of comm odity-producing countries, such as AUD, NZD, CAD, have also increased. edit Determinants of FX Rates See also exchange rates The following theories explain the fluctuations in FX rates in a floating exchange rate regime In a fixed exchange rate regime, FX rates are decided by its government a International parity conditions viz purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, Domestic Fisher effect, International Fisher effect Though to some extent the above theories provide logical explanation for the fluctuations in exchange rates, yet these theories falter as they are based on challengeable assumptions e g free flow of goods, services and capital which seldom hold true in the real world b Balance of payments model see exchange rate This model, however, focuses largely on tradable goods and services, ignoring the increasing role of global capital flows It failed to provide any explanation for continuous appreciation of dollar during 1980s and most part of 1990s in face of soaring US current account deficit c Asset market model see exchange rate views curr encies as an important asset class for constructing investment portfolios Assets prices are influenced mostly by people s willingness to hold the existing quantities of assets, which in turn depends on their expectations on the future worth of these assets The asset market model of exchange rate determination states that the exchange rate between two currencies represents the price that just balances the relative supplies of, and demand for, assets denominated in those currencies None of the models developed so far succeed to explain FX rates levels and volatility in the longer time frames For shorter time frames less than a few days algorithm can be devised to predict prices Large and small institutions and professional individual traders have made consistent profits from it It is understood from above models that many macroeconomic factors affect the exchange rates and in the end currency prices are a result of dual forces of demand and supply The world s currency markets can be view ed as a huge melting pot in a large and ever-changing mix of current events, supply and demand factors are constantly shifting, and the price of one currency in relation to another shifts accordingly No other market encompasses and distills as much of what is going on in the world at any given time as foreign exchange Supply and demand for any given currency, and thus its value, are not influenced by any single element, but rather by several These elements generally fall into three categories economic factors, political conditions and market psychology. edit Economic factors These include a economic policy, disseminated by government agencies and central banks, b economic conditions, generally revealed through economic reports, and other economic indicators Economic policy comprises government fiscal policy budget spending practices and monetary policy the means by which a government s central bank influences the supply and cost of money, which is reflected by the level of interest rates Economic conditions include Government budget deficits or surpluses The market usually reacts negatively to widening government budget deficits, and positively to narrowing budget deficits The impact is reflected in the value of a country s currency Balance of trade levels and trends The trade flow between countries illustrates the demand for goods and services, which in turn indicates demand for a country s currency to conduct trade Surpluses and deficits in trade of goods and services reflect the competitiveness of a nation s economy For example, tr ade deficits may have a negative impact on a nation s currency Inflation levels and trends Typically a currency will lose value if there is a high level of inflation in the country or if inflation levels are perceived to be rising This is because inflation erodes purchasing power, thus demand, for that particular currency However, a currency may sometimes strengthen when inflation rises because of expectations that the central bank will raise short-term interest rates to combat rising inflation Economic growth and health Reports such as GDP, employment levels, retail sales, capacity utilization and others, detail the levels of a country s economic growth and health Generally, the more healthy and robust a country s economy, the better its currency will perform, and the more demand for it there will be Productivity of an economy Increasing productivity in an economy should positively influence the value of its currency It affects are more prominent if the increase is in the traded secto r 3. edit Political conditions Internal, regional, and international political conditions and events can have a profound effect on currency markets All exchange rates are susceptible to political instability and anticipations about the new ruling party Political upheaval and instability can have a negative impact on a nation s economy For example, destabilization of coalition governments in India, Pakistan and Thailand can negatively affect the value of their currencies Similarly, in a country experiencing financial difficulties, the rise of a political faction that is perceived to be fiscally responsible can have the opposite effect Also, events in one country in a region may spur positive or negative interest in a neighboring country and, in the process, affect its currency. edit Market psychology Market psychology and trader perceptions influence the foreign exchange market in a variety of ways Flights to quality Unsettling international events can lead to a flight to quality, with investors seeking a safe haven There will be a greater demand, thus a higher price, for currencies perceived as stronger over their relatively weaker counterparts The Swiss franc has been a traditional safe haven during times of political or economic uncertainty 10 Long-term trends Currency markets often move in visible long-term trends Although currencies do not have an annual growing season like physical commodities, business cycles do make themselves felt Cycle analysis looks at longer-term price trends that may rise from economic or political trends 11 Buy the rumor, sell the fact This market truism can apply to many currency situations It is the tendency for the price of a currency to reflect the impact of a particular action before it occurs and, when the anticipated even t comes to pass, react in exactly the opposite direction This may also be referred to as a market being oversold or overbought 12 To buy the rumor or sell the fact can also be an example of the cognitive bias known as anchoring, when investors focus too much on the relevance of outside events to currency prices Economic numbers While economic numbers can certainly reflect economic policy, some reports and numbers take on a talisman-like effect the number itself becomes important to market psychology and may have an immediate impact on short-term market moves What to watch can change over time In recent years, for example, money supply, employment, trade balance figures and inflation numbers have all taken turns in the spotlight Technical trading considerations As in other markets, the accumulated price movements in a currency pair such as EUR USD can form apparent patterns that traders may attempt to use Many traders study price charts in order to identify such patterns 13. edit Algori thmic trading in foreign exchange Electronic trading is growing in the FX market, and algorithmic trading is becoming much more common According to financial consultancy Celent estimates, by 2008 up to 25 of all trades by volume will be executed using algorithm, up from about 18 in 2005 citation needed An algorithmic trader needs to be mindful of potential fraud by the broker Part of the weekly algorithm should include a check to see if the amount of transaction errors when the trader is losing money occurs in the same proportion as when the trader would have made money. edit Financial instruments. edit Spot A spot transaction is a two-day delivery transaction except in the case of the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Nuevo Peso, which settle the next day , as opposed to the futures contracts, which are usually three months This trade represents a direct exchange between two currencies, has the shortest time frame, involves cash rather than a contract and interest is not included in the agreed-upon transaction The data for this study come from the spot market Spot transactions has the second largest turnover by volume after Swap transactions among all FX transactions in the Global FX market. edit Forward See also forward contract One way to deal with the foreign exchange risk is to engage in a forward transaction In this transaction, money does not actually change hands until some agreed upon future date A buyer and seller agree on an exchange rate for any date in the future, and the transaction occurs on that date, regardless of what the market rates are then The duration of the trade can be a one day, a few days, months or years. edit Future Main article currency future Foreign currency futures are exchange traded forward transactions with standard contract sizes and maturity dates for example, 1000 for next November at an agreed rate 4 , 5 Futures are standardized and are usually traded on an exchange created for this purpose The average contract length is roughly 3 months Futures contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts. edit Swap Main article foreign exchange swap The most common type of forward transaction is the currency swap In a swap, two parties exchange currencies for a certain length of time and agree to reverse the transaction at a later date These are not standardized contracts and are not traded through an exchange. edit Option Main article foreign exchange option A foreign exchange option commonly shortened to just FX option is a derivative where the owner has the right but not the obligation to exchange money denominated in one currency into another currency at a pre-agreed exchange rate on a specified date The FX options market is the deepest, largest and most liquid market for options of any kind in the world. edit Exchange Traded Fund Main article exchange-traded fund Exchange-traded funds or ETFs are open ended investment companies that can be traded at any time throughout the course of the day Typically, ETFs try to replicate a stock market index such as the S according to this view, it is simply gambling that often interferes with economic policy For example, in 1992, currency speculation forced the Central Bank of Sweden to raise interest rates for a few days to 500 per annum, and later to devalue the krona 16 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is one well known proponent of this view He blamed the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit in 1997 on George Soros and other speculators 17 Gregory J Millman reports on an opposing view, comparing speculators to vigilantes who simply help enforce international agreements and anticipate the effects of basic economic laws in order to profit 17 In this view, countries may develop unsustainable financial bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and foreign exchange speculators allegedly made the inevitable collapse happen sooner A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect the blame from themselves for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions Given that Malaysia recovered quickly after imposing currency controls directly against IMF advice, this view is open to doubt. edit References Sullivan, arthur Steven M Sheffrin 2003 Economics Principles in action Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Pearson Prentice Hall pp 551 ISBN 0-13-063085-3 375 Investopedia Sam Y Cross, All About the Foreign Exchange Market in the United States, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1998 , chapter 11, pp 113 115 Michael A S Guth, Profitable Destabilizing Speculation, Chapter 1 in Michael A S Guth, SPECULATIVE BEHAVIOR AND THE OPERATION OF COMPETITIVE MARKETS UNDER UNCERTAINTY, Avebury Ashgate Publishing, Aldorshot, England 1994 , ISBN 1856289850 What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis Joseph Stiglitz, The New Republic, April 17, 2000, reprinted at But Don t Rush Out to Buy Kronor Sweden s 500 Gamble - International Herald Tribune a b Gregory J Millman, Around the World on a Trillion Dollars a Day, Bantam Press, New York, 1995. edit See also Balance of trade Bretton Woods system Currency pair Foreign currency mortgage Foreign exchange hedge Foreign exchange reserves Forei gn exchange scam Foreign exchange swap Retail foreign exchange Special Drawing Rights Tobin Tax World currency Major inter-dealer FX brokers EBS, Reuters Major retail FX brokers FXCM, World First, HY Markets, Travelex, Henyep Investment, Varengold Bank FX. edit External links Benchmark Currency Rates from Bloomberg CFTC Commission Advisory Customer fraud Protection United States Federal Reserve daily update Microstructure effects, bid-ask spreads and volatility in the spot foreign exchange market pre and post-EMU Technical description of FX market workings OECD Exchange rate statistics. 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If you later want to try a different trading system simply login to your club membership area, enter your unique club membership number and one more free trading system will be sent to you There is no limit to how many times you can do this beyond the number of trading systems we have available at any given time As you wait for the FreeTradingSystem website development we recommend you come back again soon We will be offering club memberships to our new free trading system club so please visit again Click now for Trading Tip of the Day. FREE Commodity Futures Trading Advice Tipsmodity futures trading refer to trading of futures agreements These agreements are deals made to trade the primary commodities at fixed rates in the future The rates are usually based on the existing or prevailing day rate Similar to stock trading, commodity futures are traded in particular centralized trading markets like Globex and SP. Today, there is a massive increase in the number of commodity traders trading futures agreements because of many reasons Among these reasons include the following. simplicity of trading that enables anyone to do trading online or virtually. the present of high liquidity in the market due to huge trade volumes made daily. the stability of the market. easiness to own an underlying commodity wherein one can buy a high-priced product at a lower price during the time of agreement. low rates of commission in comparison to trading underlying futures stocks. the ability to do trading at home with decreased in working capital. lower initial investment required. the availability of small futures that have narrow spreads and less account minimums. the presence of various underlying products in the market. Any person can be successful in gaining tra der profits through commodity futures trading At the futures markets, the speculators and the hedgers meet to predict whether the price of a commodity will rise or fall in the future based on a particular market or currency index Just like any market, commodity futures trading can be risky, however the potential to see both long and short term gains can be considerable. There are different futures markets as well as strategies that a person can use to gain trader profits from commodity futures trading Primarily, a commodity refers to the physical product whose value is decided by the forces of demand and supply These forces include precious metals, energy, grains, and more The commodities are traded in a centralized market at a predetermined time whether its price will rise or fall In trading commodities, it would be strategic to use straddles A straddle is created holding the same number of puts and calls with the same expiration date and strike price The calls is where the trader expe cts that the price will rise while the puts is where the trader speculates that the prices will fall. One more strategy in gaining trading profits from commodity futures trading is called scalping - Just like commodities, the prices of trade currencies in scalping are speculated to rise or fall In the value of currency, the scalpers try to take short-term profits off the incremental modifications As this is done repetitively, the profits will continue to grow in time resulting to significant total profits as all small profits are combined In able to continue gaining trader profits, one must require strict discipline in order to continue making short-term and small profits while preventing large losses. In the commodity futures markets, there are two main types of futures trading agreements available The first type is called as commodity futures and requires physical delivery The futures in this type include agricultural commodities The second type is called as financial futures, which of ten require cash settlement This type involves mutual funds, bonds, treasury notes, and the like. FREE Advice and Tips on Profitable Commodity Options Trading. Trade commodity options are highly profitable It can be more wonderful and great than stocks options because it brings risk management to an entirely new level and gives plenty of flexibility as well Compared to index or stock options, strategies for trade commodity options can be exchanged with lesser margin These options can also be used for both speculative and income purposes Moreover, the margin rules of SPAN allow usage of less capital for trade commodity options Nowadays, the commodity option trading are made substantial for complicated options strategies with the help of brokers who use deep discount commissions, online trading platforms, electronic trading platforms, and electronic mini contractsmodity options are just like with stock options when it comes to trading transaction The only difference between these two is mu ltiples of option premiums that each represents Apparently, there are different advantages gained from commodity options that include low margins high yields, lower commissions, low slippage, better hedging, no additional margin trades, call credit spread, and additional trades. Most of the trading commodity options use the SPAN margin rules wherein the calculation is centered on all angles of a selection This can be very advantageous to the traders For instance, a trade that uses collar strategy will have lower margin compared to the same trade that uses indices or stocks directly Lower margins will result to better utilization of capital as well as with higher profits. With trade commodity options, the slippage per deal per trade is huge However, in most cases, a trade option that involves the same currency size will result to low slippage The slippage is even lesser with commodity options that are electronically traded like e-mini contracts and gold options Most of the strategies with trade commodity options need some few adjustments or hedging during the span of a trade The general rule for hedging or adjustment is going short or long of the principal to watch over if the principal is not in favor of the trade E-mini contracts and futures provide the best method to hedge or adjust with low capital requirement. Order a Consultation, Do a Search, or a Website Inquiry by Going-here. Trade commodity options do not have extra margin trades With careful assessment of the current trades, possible extra trade opportunities may arise These additional opportunities can decrease the overall margin that the trade requires. Apart from the above mentioned advantages of trade commodity options, the trader must be aware that trading options as well as futures involve considerable risks of loss or gain that maybe or not suitable for all traders Here is a useful list of tips that one can use for profitable options trades. Follow the trends in the commodity market as well as your natura l instincts As soon as you have chosen your trading system, stick to it. Do not overtrade and apply techniques of money management on your trading. Secure a position in the market wherein your profit goal exists. Avoid trading markets that has low capital and with volatile contracts. Establish trading plans prior to market opening The plans must include objectives, exit points, and entry points. Maintain discipline by using technical signals such as charts This will eliminate impulse trading. Cut losses short so profits can run A website like intercettazioni biz will provide you with the highest quality in the industry. Do not overstay on a good market because there is a tendency to overstay on bad markets as well. Learn to trade from the short side and be patient For additional local forex robot visit robotsforforex. The broker and client must have rapport. FREE Info on How to Trade CBOT Corn Futures for Profits. Throughout the history of mankind, corn had been considered very valuable because o f the profits it brings It is often referred as the other yellow gold A website like taxattorneynow will provide you with the highest quality in the industry Apart from the profits that corn gives, it is also a great source of energy and food for man Early Indians that migrated from the Eastern Asia were the ones who brought corn to America, in south specifically During that time, Americans use corn plants as source for everything from making primitive beer to making clothes. Next to wheat, corn is the second most cultivated plant in the entire history of mankind Corn futures are one of the original grain future contracts Its trading began during the 18th century in Chicago in America, the same time when cotton trading began The role of corn market in the production of ethanol had increased its demand due to the high prices of petroleum products According to experts, if the prices of crude oil stay high, ethanol is economically feasible to be added and produced to unleaded gasoline. For those of you who actively trade or desire to learn how to trade the financial and futures markets, there are a lot of other things outside the markets you should be following But, I guess my bigger message is for those of you that arent in the futures markets, whether you trade them or not, the futures markets have a significant impact on what happens in the other financial markets, including forex, currencies, options and stocks Thats why you should soak up every piece of good trading knowledge like a sponge in a quest to clearly see the bigger picture Click-here for a free ezine service to trading knowledge Get started learning in the comfort of your home, on your schedule, at no cost today click-here NOW to take advantage of this traders ezine offer. There are many different uses for corn as well as many different products made from it that people are not aware of Among these products include cardboard, construction materials, adhesives, metal plating, lubricating agents, laminated b uilding products, aspiring, and antibiotics Because of these diverse applications and benefits, corn makes the corn options and corn futures market very important to the corn industry Many knowledgeable farmers use corn options and corn futures markets to protect their crops against unfavorable price movements. How many times in a day that an average American consumer uses a product made from corn One can fill up his or her car up with ethanol combined with fuel A soda during lunch time that is sweetened with a corn sweetener Maybe you have a comforter or pillow made from corn fiber There are the pot roasts for dinner that is fed with corned beef Because of such benefits, the corn future contracts have been more popular because of their relative leverage and liquidity. Since many of the commodities such as oats, soybeans, and wheat are being hit hard by the financial crisis of today, it would be a good opportunity to buy corn futures even if it is high in price When we say corn futures, it refers to the exchange-traded and standardized contracts that a contract buyer agrees to take delivery from seller at a predetermined price, specific quantity of corn, and on a future delivery date One can do corn futures trading at the Chicago Board of Trade or CBOT, Tokyo Grain Exchange or TGE, and NYSE Euronext The prices of corn futures in CBOT are quoted in cents and dollars per bushel. Producers and consumers of corn and grains can manage future price risks of grains and corn prices by buying and selling CBOT Corn futures and corn options They can also use a short position to lock-in a future sale price for the corn being produced Meanwhile, businesses that require corn can use long protection to secure the buying price for the commodity they require The corn futures are also traded by speculators who assume that the price risks that protectors try to avoid in return for potential profits from substantial movement of corn prices Many speculators buy corn futures when the prices are high and then sell futures if the futures price is low. More Recommended Resources. Building a Trading System. International Day trading. Gann Trading Course. London Oil Exchange. What Could Be Better Than Getting a. Free Trading System from Time-to-Time. Today is a good time to join our new futures, stocks options traders club to qualify for a free system Welcome to the home of FreeTradingSystem - Free Trading System commodity futures traders club. Our mission is to provide a Free Trading System to all commodity futures traders who are members of our FreeTradingSystem Club By becoming a paid club member you will receive a Membership Certificate to The Free Trading System Club coming soon By using your monthly fee club membership number you will be sent your free trading system supplied online or via postal mail on a CD Trade the markets using your free-trading-system for as long as desired or as long as it s profitable for you. If you later want to try a different trading system simply log in to your club membership area, enter your unique club membership number and one more free trading system will be sent to you There is no limit to how many times you can do this beyond the number of trading systems we have available at any given time As you wait for the FreeTradingSystem website development we recommend you come back again soon We will be offering club memberships to our new free trading system club so please visit again Click now for Trading Tip of the Day. FREE Commodity Futures Trading Advice Tipsmodity futures trading refer to trading of futures agreements These agreements are deals made to trade the primary commodities at fixed rates in the future The rates are usually based on the existing or prevailing day rate Similar to stock trading, commodity futures are traded in particular centralized trading markets like Globex and SP. Today, there is a massive increase in the number of commodity traders trading futures agreements because of many reasons Among these reason s include the following. simplicity of trading that enables anyone to do trading online or virtually. the present of high liquidity in the market due to huge trade volumes made daily. the stability of the market. easiness to own an underlying commodity wherein one can buy a high-priced product at a lower price during the time of agreement. low rates of commission in comparison to trading underlying futures stocks. the ability to do trading at home with decreased in working capital. lower initial investment required. the availability of small futures that have narrow spreads and less account minimums. the presence of various underlying products in the market. Any person can be successful in gaining trader profits through commodity futures trading At the futures markets, the speculators and the hedgers meet to predict whether the price of a commodity will rise or fall in the future based on a particular market or currency index Just like any market, commodity futures trading can be risky, however the potential to see both long and short term gains can be considerable. There are different futures markets as well as strategies that a person can use to gain trader profits from commodity futures trading Primarily, a commodity refers to the physical product whose value is decided by the forces of demand and supply These forces include precious metals, energy, grains, and more The commodities are traded in a centralized market at a predetermined time whether its price will rise or fall In trading commodities, it would be strategic to use straddles A straddle is created holding the same number of puts and calls with the same expiration date and strike price The calls is where the trader expects that the price will rise while the puts is where the trader speculates that the prices will fall. One more strategy in gaining trading profits from commodity futures trading is called scalping - Just like commodities, the prices of trade currencies in scalping are speculated to rise or fall In th e value of currency, the scalpers try to take short-term profits off the incremental modifications As this is done repetitively, the profits will continue to grow in time resulting to significant total profits as all small profits are combined In able to continue gaining trader profits, one must require strict discipline in order to continue making short-term and small profits while preventing large losses. In the commodity futures markets, there are two main types of futures trading agreements available The first type is called as commodity futures and requires physical delivery The futures in this type include agricultural commodities The second type is called as financial futures, which often require cash settlement This type involves mutual funds, bonds, treasury notes, and the like. FREE Advice and Tips on Profitable Commodity Options Trading. Trade commodity options are highly profitable It can be more wonderful and great than stocks options because it brings risk management to an e ntirely new level and gives plenty of flexibility as well Compared to index or stock options, strategies for trade commodity options can be exchanged with lesser margin These options can also be used for both speculative and income purposes Moreover, the margin rules of SPAN allow usage of less capital for trade commodity options Nowadays, the commodity option trading are made substantial for complicated options strategies with the help of brokers who use deep discount commissions, online trading platforms, electronic trading platforms, and electronic mini contractsmodity options are just like with stock options when it comes to trading transaction The only difference between these two is multiples of option premiums that each represents Apparently, there are different advantages gained from commodity options that include low margins high yields, lower commissions, low slippage, better hedging, no additional margin trades, call credit spread, and additional trades. Most of the trading c ommodity options use the SPAN margin rules wherein the calculation is centered on all angles of a selection This can be very advantageous to the traders For instance, a trade that uses collar strategy will have lower margin compared to the same trade that uses indices or stocks directly Lower margins will result to better utilization of capital as well as with higher profits. With trade commodity options, the slippage per deal per trade is huge However, in most cases, a trade option that involves the same currency size will result to low slippage The slippage is even lesser with commodity options that are electronically traded like e-mini contracts and gold options Most of the strategies with trade commodity options need some few adjustments or hedging during the span of a trade The general rule for hedging or adjustment is going short or long of the principal to watch over if the principal is not in favor of the trade E-mini contracts and futures provide the best method to hedge or adj ust with low capital requirement. Order a Consultation, Do a Search, or a Website Inquiry by Going-here. Trade commodity options do not have extra margin trades With careful assessment of the current trades, possible extra trade opportunities may arise These additional opportunities can decrease the overall margin that the trade requires. Apart from the above mentioned advantages of trade commodity options, the trader must be aware that trading options as well as futures involve considerable risks of loss or gain that maybe or not suitable for all traders Here is a useful list of tips that one can use for profitable options trades. Follow the trends in the commodity market as well as your natural instincts As soon as you have chosen your trading system, stick to it. Do not overtrade and apply techniques of money management on your trading. Secure a position in the market wherein your profit goal exists. Avoid trading markets that has low capital and with volatile contracts. Establish trading p lans prior to market opening The plans must include objectives, exit points, and entry points. Maintain discipline by using technical signals such as charts This will eliminate impulse trading. Cut losses short so profits can run A website like intercettazioni biz will provide you with the highest quality in the industry. Do not overstay on a good market because there is a tendency to overstay on bad markets as well. Learn to trade from the short side and be patient For additional local forex robot visit robotsforforex. The broker and client must have rapport. FREE Info on How to Trade CBOT Corn Futures for Profits. Throughout the history of mankind, corn had been considered very valuable because of the profits it brings It is often referred as the other yellow gold A website like taxattorneynow will provide you with the highest quality in the industry Apart from the profits that corn gives, it is also a great source of energy and food for man Early Indians that migrated from the Eastern Asia were the ones who brought corn to America, in south specifically During that time, Americans use corn plants as source for everything from making primitive beer to making clothes. Next to wheat, corn is the second most cultivated plant in the entire history of mankind Corn futures are one of the original grain future contracts Its trading began during the 18th century in Chicago in America, the same time when cotton trading began The role of corn market in the production of ethanol had increased its demand due to the high prices of petroleum products According to experts, if the prices of crude oil stay high, ethanol is economically feasible to be added and produced to unleaded gasoline. For those of you who actively trade or desire to learn how to trade the financial and futures markets, there are a lot of other things outside the markets you should be following But, I guess my bigger message is for those of you that arent in the futures markets, whether you trade them or not, the futu res markets have a significant impact on what happens in the other financial markets, including forex, currencies, options and stocks Thats why you should soak up every piece of good trading knowledge like a sponge in a quest to clearly see the bigger picture Click-here for a free ezine service to trading knowledge Get started learning in the comfort of your home, on your schedule, at no cost today click-here NOW to take advantage of this traders ezine offer. There are many different uses for corn as well as many different products made from it that people are not aware of Among these products include cardboard, construction materials, adhesives, metal plating, lubricating agents, laminated building products, aspiring, and antibiotics Because of these diverse applications and benefits, corn makes the corn options and corn futures market very important to the corn industry Many knowledgeable farmers use corn options and corn futures markets to protect their crops against unfavorable pric e movements. How many times in a day that an average American consumer uses a product made from corn One can fill up his or her car up with ethanol combined with fuel A soda during lunch time that is sweetened with a corn sweetener Maybe you have a comforter or pillow made from corn fiber There are the pot roasts for dinner that is fed with corned beef Because of such benefits, the corn future contracts have been more popular because of their relative leverage and liquidity. Since many of the commodities such as oats, soybeans, and wheat are being hit hard by the financial crisis of today, it would be a good opportunity to buy corn futures even if it is high in price When we say corn futures, it refers to the exchange-traded and standardized contracts that a contract buyer agrees to take delivery from seller at a predetermined price, specific quantity of corn, and on a future delivery date One can do corn futures trading at the Chicago Board of Trade or CBOT, Tokyo Grain Exchange or TGE, and NYSE Euronext The prices of corn futures in CBOT are quoted in cents and dollars per bushel. Producers and consumers of corn and grains can manage future price risks of grains and corn prices by buying and selling CBOT Corn futures and corn options They can also use a short position to lock-in a future sale price for the corn being produced Meanwhile, businesses that require corn can use long protection to secure the buying price for the commodity they require The corn futures are also traded by speculators who assume that the price risks that protectors try to avoid in return for potential profits from substantial movement of corn prices Many speculators buy corn futures when the prices are high and then sell futures if the futures price is low. More Recommended Resources. Building a Trading System. International Day trading. Gann Trading Course. London Oil Exchange.

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